if you not able to open server Explorer in vs2008 you can perform below step to make it open:
Go to visual studio command prompt
run below command:
devenv /setup
and its done....
you can use "devenv /resetsettings" command to reset all settings of visual studio
Not able to open Server Explorer in VS2008
Labels: Visual Studio
Truncate Database/ Delete data from all tables of database
-- disable all constraints
-- delete data in all tables
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'DELETE FROM ?'
-- enable all constraints
exec sp_msforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT all'
Labels: SQL , SQL Interview Questions , sqlserver
Adding or Removing values from Array using javascript
We can add or remove values from an array using splice() function.
the splice() function returns the removed element(s).
syntex: arrayName.splice(Startindex,HowManyElements,element1,.....,elementX)
< script type="text/javascript" >
var employes = ["Rolen", "Pankaj", "JS", "Bhupendra"];
document.write("Removed: " + employes.splice(2,1,"Pankaj") + "< br / >");
< /script >
Solution By: Rajesh Rolen
Labels: ASP.NET , java script
Disable Autocomplete in Textbox / form in asp.net
to disable auto complete in textbox you will have to set autocomplete="off" for textbox. this is not in its property so you will have to write it in aspx page by own.
or in code behind write : Textbox1.Attributes.Add("autocomplete", "off");
To turn off auto-complete for your entire form, all you need to do is add an attribute to your form tag, like this:
< form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server" autocomplete="off" >
Show Text Vertical in Crystal Reports in Asp.Net
sometimes we need to show our text or we can say header text in vertical. and we try using rotate property but it not works.. so to do so we have got a perfect solution to make browser fool.
we can do be using below steps:
1. take a label/text.
2. set your font size as required
3. now set make its height large and set width in such a manner so only one character can be displayed.
4. go to format font->spacing->character spacing exactly: and enter something like 20/25
and done....
solution by: Rajesh Rolen
Labels: ASP.NET , Crystal Report
Crystal Report in asp.net
To create crystal report in asp.net follow below steps
1. take a crystal report viewer on page (i have given name "crv" to it)
then write below code in code behind file.
using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
private void showreport()
ReportDocument report = new ReportDocument();
crv.ReportSource = report; //crv is your Crystal report viewer's name.
private void SetTableLocation(Tables tables)
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
connectionInfo.ServerName = @"DBSERVER2\SQL2005";
connectionInfo.DatabaseName = "dbMEAVer5web";
connectionInfo.UserID = "sa";
connectionInfo.Password = "admin55";
foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table table in tables)
TableLogOnInfo tableLogOnInfo = table.LogOnInfo;
tableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;
Solution by: Rajesh Rolen
Labels: ASP.NET , Crystal Report
very nice time picker (jquery)
here u can find very good time picker build in jquery.
date and time picker using user control (very good)
Disable all controls of asp.net page
call it like this: DisableControls(Page ,false);
below code is to disable all controls of a asp.net page.
protected void DisableControls(Control parent,bool status)
foreach (Control ctrl in parent.Controls)
if (ctrl is TextBox)
((TextBox)ctrl).Enabled = status;
else if (ctrl is Button)
((Button)ctrl).Enabled = status;
else if (ctrl is RadioButton)
((RadioButton)ctrl).Enabled = status;
else if (ctrl is ImageButton)
((ImageButton)ctrl).Enabled = status;
else if (ctrl is CheckBox)
((CheckBox)ctrl).Enabled = status;
else if (ctrl is DropDownList)
((DropDownList)ctrl).Enabled = status;
else if (ctrl is HyperLink)
((HyperLink)ctrl).Enabled = status;
Labels: ASP.NET
set date format in ajax CalendarExtender
you can set date format in ajax's calendar extender using below way:
just specify your required format and its done:
< cc1:CalendarExtender ID="txtrequiredby_CalendarExtender" Format="dd/MM/yyyy" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="txtrequiredby" >
< /cc1:CalendarExtender >
Attach double click event on listbox in asp.net
when we want to attach double click event on asp.net listbox we can make by using javascipt.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"] != null && Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"] == "myListBox_Dblclk")
//your code to perform task or to call desired function
myListBox.Attributes.Add("ondblclick", ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(myListBox, "myListBox_Dblclk"));
by: Rajesh Rolen
Labels: ASP.NET , java script
Code to download a file on Buttton click
Some times we have need like when user click on a button then we want to perform some server side operation and then a automatic download file prompt should be shown to user to download a file..
below code will help you in above situation:
write it at server side on any event.
create below class or place functions in same page but its recommended to take separate class for it
class DownloadLibrary
public static string getContentType(string Fileext)
string contenttype = "";
switch (Fileext)
case ".xls":
contenttype = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
case ".doc":
contenttype = "application/msword";
case ".ppt":
contenttype = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint";
case ".pdf":
contenttype = "application/pdf";
case ".jpg":
case ".jpeg":
contenttype = "image/jpeg";
case ".gif":
contenttype = "image/gif";
case ".ico":
contenttype = "image/vnd.microsoft.icon";
case ".zip":
contenttype = "application/zip";
default: contenttype = "";
return contenttype;
public static void downloadFile(System.Web.UI.Page pg, string filepath)
pg.Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + new FileInfo(filepath).Name);
pg.Response.ContentType = clsGeneral.getContentType(new FileInfo(filepath).Extension);
now write below code in ur aspx page
Labels: ASP.NET
Commonly Used Types and Namespaces of .NET Framework 3.5 :
Contains classes that are necessary for the ASP.NET management console application to interact with the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
Contains the classes that represent the MSBuild engine.
Contains classes that make up the tasks, loggers, and events of MSBuild.
Contains the implementation of all tasks shipping with MSBuild.
Contains classes used internally by MSBuild.
Contains classes used internally by MSBuild.
Provides helper classes that you can use to create your own MSBuild loggers and tasks.
Contains classes that support compilation and code generation using the C# language.
Contains classes that support compilation and code generation using the JScript language.
Contains classes that are specific to the integration of the Microsoft .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) component into Microsoft SQL Server, and the SQL Server database engine process execution environment.
Contains classes that support compilation and code generation using the Visual Basic language.
Contains types that support the Visual Basic Application Model and provide access to application information.
Contains internal-use only types that support the Visual Basic compiler.
Contains types that support the My objects related to devices in Visual Basic.
Contains types that support the My file system object in Visual Basic.
Contains types that support the My logging objects in Visual Basic and provides a simple log listener that directs logging output to file.
Contains types that support My in Visual Basic.
Contains internal-use only types that support My in Visual Basic.
Contains interfaces that allow you to integrate script for the .NET Framework script engines into applications, and to compile and execute code at run time.
Provides two types of classes: those that handle events raised by the operating system and those that manipulate the system registry.
Contains classes that are abstract derivations of safe handle classes that provide common functionality supporting file and operating system handles.
Contains classes for developing Pocket PC and Smartphone Windows Forms applications using the .NET Compact Framework.
Contains classes for developing DirectX applications on devices with the .NET Compact Framework. Requires a future release of Windows Mobile to run the applications.
Contains classes for developing Direct3D applications on devices with the .NET Compact Framework. Requires a future release of Windows Mobile to run the applications.
Contains fundamental classes and base classes that define commonly used value and reference data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes, and processing exceptions. Other classes provide services supporting data type conversion, method parameter manipulation, mathematics, remote and local program invocation, application environment management, and supervision of managed and unmanaged applications.
Contains classes that can be used to represent the elements and structure of a source code document. These elements can be used to model the structure of a source code document that can be output as source code in a supported language using the functionality provided by the System.CodeDom.Compiler namespace.
Contains types for managing the generation and compilation of source code in supported programming languages. Code generators can each produce source code in a particular programming language based on the structure of Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) source code models consisting of elements provided by the System.CodeDom namespace.
Contains interfaces and classes that define various collections of objects, such as lists, queues, bit arrays, hashtables and dictionaries.
Contains interfaces and classes that define generic collections, which allow users to create strongly typed collections that provide better type safety and performance than non-generic strongly typed collections.
Contains classes that can be used as collections in the object model of a reusable library. Use these classes when properties or methods return collections.
Contains specialized and strongly typed collections; for example, a linked list dictionary, a bit vector, and collections that contain only strings.
Provides classes that are used to implement the run-time and design-time behavior of components and controls. This namespace includes the base classes and interfaces for implementing attributes and type converters, binding to data sources, and licensing components.
Contains classes that developers can use to build custom design-time behavior for components and user interfaces for configuring components at design time. The design time environment provides systems that enable developers to arrange components and configure their properties.
Contains classes for implementing design-time behavior of data-related components.
Provides types that support customization and control of serialization at design time.
Contains the types that provide the programming model for handling configuration data.
Contains classes that are used to configure an assembly.
Provides classes that allow you to write custom installers for your own components. The Installer class is the base class for all custom installers in the .NET Framework.
Contains the base classes shared by both server and client applications to support a pluggable model to easily add or remove functionality.
Contains classes that constitute most of the ADO.NET architecture. The ADO.NET architecture enables you to build components that efficiently manage data from multiple data sources. In a disconnected scenario (such as the Internet), ADO.NET provides the tools to request, update, and reconcile data in multiple tier systems. The ADO.NET architecture is also implemented in client applications, such as Windows Forms, or HTML pages created by ASP.NET.
Contains classes shared by the .NET Framework data providers. A .NET Framework data provider describes a collection of classes used to access a data source, such as a database, in the managed space.
Contains classes that can be used to generate a custom typed-dataset.
Contains classes to access relational data as objects. DataContext and related classes can be used for Reading, Creating, Updating and Deleting objects mapped to a database using mapping specified as attributes in your object model or in a separate external XML file.
Provides programmatic access to mapping information used by LINQ to SQL.
Contains classes that encapsulate the .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC. The .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC describes a collection of classes used to access an ODBC data source in the managed space.
Contains classes that encapsulate the .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB. The .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB describes a collection of classes used to access an OLE DB data source in the managed space.
Contains classes that encapsulate the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle. The .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle describes a collection of classes used to access an Oracle data source in the managed space.
Contains classes that support SQL Server-specific functionality. The API extensions in this class add to the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server (System.Data.SqlClient).
Contains classes that encapsulate the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server. The .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server describes a collection of classes used to access a SQL Server database in the managed space.
Describes a collection of classes that can be used to access a database in SQL Server CE from Windows CE-based devices in the managed environment. With this namespace you can create SQL Server CE databases on a device and also establish connections to SQL Server databases that are on a device or on a remote server.
Contains classes for native data types within SQL Server. These classes provide a faster alternative to other data types. Using the classes in this namespace helps prevent type conversion errors caused in situations where loss of precision could occur. Because other data types are converted to and from SqlTypes behind the scenes, explicitly creating and using objects within this namespace results in faster code as well.
Provides classes that allow you to interact with system processes, event logs, and performance counters. This namespace also provides classes that allow you to debug your application and to trace the execution of your code. For more information, see the Trace and Debug classes.
Contains classes for interaction with code analysis tools. Code analysis tools are used to analyze code for conformance to coding conventions such as naming or security rules.
Contains classes that can be used to extend design-time support for application monitoring and instrumentation.
Provides classes that allow you to read and write debug symbol information, such as source line to Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) maps. Compilers targeting the .NET Framework can store the debug symbol information into programmer's database (PDB) files. Debuggers and code profiler tools can read the debug symbol information at run time.
Provides easy access to Active Directory from managed code. The namespace contains two component classes, DirectoryEntry and DirectorySearcher, which use the Active Directory Services Interfaces (ADSI) technology. ADSI is the set of interfaces that Microsoft provides as a flexible tool for working with a variety of network providers. ADSI gives the administrator the ability to locate and manage resources on a network with relative ease, regardless of the network's size.
Provides a high level abstraction object model that builds around Microsoft® Active Directory® directory service tasks. The Active Directory® directory service concepts such as forest, domain, site, subnet, partition and schema are part of the object model.
Provides the methods defined in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) version 3 (V3) and Directory Services Markup Language (DSML) version 2 (V2) standards.
Provides access to GDI+ basic graphics functionality. More advanced functionality is provided in the System.Drawing.Drawing2D, System.Drawing.Imaging, and System.Drawing.Text namespaces.
Contains classes that extend design-time user interface (UI) logic and drawing. You can further extend this design-time functionality to create custom toolbox items, type-specific value editors that can edit and graphically represent values of their supported types, or type converters that can convert values between certain types. This namespace provides the basic frameworks for developing extensions to the design-time UI.
Provides advanced 2-dimensional and vector graphics functionality. This namespace includes the gradient brushes, the Matrix class (used to define geometric transforms), and the GraphicsPath class.
Provides advanced GDI+ imaging functionality. Basic graphics functionality is provided by the System.Drawing namespace.
Provides print-related services. Typically, you create a new instance of the PrintDocument class, set the properties that describe what to print, and call the Print method to actually print the document.
Provides advanced GDI+ typography functionality. Basic graphics functionality is provided by the System.Drawing namespace. The classes in this namespace allow users to create and use collections of fonts.
Provides an important infrastructure for enterprise applications. COM+ provides a services architecture for component programming models deployed in an enterprise environment. This namespace provides .NET Framework objects with access to COM+ services, making the .NET Framework objects more practical for enterprise applications.
Provides classes that allow you to use a Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) in managed code. A CRM is a service provided by COM+ that enables you to include non-transactional objects in Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transactions. Although CRMs do not provide the capabilities of a full resource manager, they do provide transactional atomicity (all-or-nothing behavior) and durability through the recovery log.
Provides infrastructure support for COM+ services. The classes and interfaces in this namespace are specifically intended to support calls into System.EnterpriseServices from the unmanaged COM+ classes.
Contains classes that define culture-related information, including the language, the country/region, the calendars in use, the format patterns for dates, currency, and numbers, and the sort order for strings. These classes are useful for writing globalized (internationalized) applications.
Contains types that allow synchronous and asynchronous reading and writing on data streams and files.
Contains classes that provide basic compression and decompression for streams.
Contains types that allow the creation and use of isolated stores. With these stores, you can read and write data that less trusted code cannot access and help prevent the exposure of sensitive information that can be saved elsewhere on the file system. Data is stored in compartments that are isolated by the current user and by the assembly in which the code exists.
Contains classes that control serial ports, providing a framework for synchronous and event-driven I/O, access to pin and break states, access to serial driver properties, and enumerations for specifying port characteristics.
Provides classes and interfaces that support queries that use Language-Integrated Query (LINQ).
Contains classes, interfaces and enumerations that enable language-level code expressions to be represented as objects in the form of expression trees.
Provides access to a rich set of management information and management events about the system, devices, and applications instrumented to the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infrastructure.
Provides the classes necessary for instrumenting applications for management and exposing their management information and events through WMI to potential consumers. Consumers such as Microsoft Application Center or Microsoft Operations Manager can then manage your application easily, and monitoring and configuring of your application is available for administrator scripts or other applications, both managed as well as unmanaged.
Provides classes that allow you to connect to, monitor, and administer message queues on the network and send, receive, or peek messages.
Contains classes that can be used to extend design-time support for System.Messaging classes.
Labels: Framework
Trim text using javascript
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
Labels: java script
Add/delete rows in HTML Table at run time using javascript
< script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" >
function addrow()
var tbody = document.getElementById("< %= tableName.ClientID % >").getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];
var row = document.createElement("TR")
var td1 = document.createElement("TD")
var td2 = document.createElement("TD")
var td3 = document.createElement("TD")
//to add hyper liked cell for delete row
var code = "< a href=\'#\' onClick=\"javascript:deleteCriteria(this.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex);\" >< img src=\"Images/user_delete.png\" alt=\"Delete\" / >< /a >";
td3.setAttribute("align", "center");
td3.innerHTML = code;
function deleteCriteria(i) {
if (window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?') == true) {
document.getElementById("< %= tblcriteria.ClientID % >").deleteRow(i);
< /script >
Labels: java script
Taking a SQL Server Database Off-Line/ON-Line
Sometimes you will want to remove all access to a database for a period of time without detaching the database or deleting it. One option to achieve this is to take the database off-line. You can do this using standard SQL Server tools or Transact-SQL.
Using SQL Server Tools
The easiest way to take a SQL Server database off-line is using the graphical user interface tools provided. If you are using either SQL Server Management Studio or Enterprise Manager, you can simply right-click the name of a database. This causes a context-sensitive menu to appear. Within the "All Tasks" or "Tasks" submenu is the "Take Offline" option. Clicking this option takes the database off-line. You can return the database to an operational status by selecting "Bring Online" from the same menu.
The preferred manner in which to take a database off-line using Transact-SQL statements is with the ALTER DATABASE command. This command allows database administrators to modify database settings, files and filegroups.
Taking a Database Off-Line
The T-SQL for taking a database off-line is similar to that for setting restricted access mode. The simplest variation of the command is the following statement:
The above command attempts to take the named database off-line immediately. If a user or a background process is currently connected to the database the command cannot be completed. In this situation, the ALTER DATABASE statement will be blocked and will wait until all connections are closed. This ensures that no transactions are rolled back unexpectedly. During the period of blocking, no new connections to the database will be permitted.
NB: Background processes that are running against SQL Server may cause the command to be indefinitely blocked, as can internal processes. The AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC in particular should be checked. If set to ON, the statement will be blocked.
Failing When Blocked
If you run the ALTER DATABASE command whilst users or processes may be connected, but you do not wish the command to be blocked, you can execute the statement with the NO_WAIT option. This causes the command to fail with an error.
Forcing Disconnection of Users and Processes
In some cases it is appropriate to run the ALTER DATABASE command and allow it to be blocked until all of the current connections are closed. For SQL Servers that are used only internally to an organisation, each user can be contacted and asked to disconnect. Once they have, the command will complete automatically and the database will be inaccessible.
In other situations, for example a publicly accessible web site database, it may not be possible to ask users to disconnect. In these cases you may automatically disconnect users and to roll back their active transactions. This is achieved using the ROLLBACK clause.
The ROLLBACK clause can be used to immediately disconnect users or can be provided with a number of seconds to pause before taking the database off-line. To force the immediate disconnection of general users and processes and the rolling back of their transactions, use the following command:
If desired, you can specify that there should be a pause before disconnecting the users. During this period any attempts to connect to the database are refused but existing connections are given a number of seconds to complete their processing. The following example statement pauses for two minutes before disconnecting users:
Bringing a Database On-Line
Once you have completed any maintenance work and want to resume the use of the database, you can bring it back on-line using the ALTER DATABASE command:
Labels: SQL , SQL Interview Questions , sqlserver
How to check in javascript that string contains a substring or not
many of times we need to find out that a particular string contains a particular (charactor or string ) or not.
so below example will help you.
var varA = "hello how r u";
if(varA.indexOf("How") != -1)
alert('it contains How');
alert('it not contains how');
Article by: Rajesh Rolen
Labels: java script
ASP.net button text to wrap to second line
Some times we have more matter to write on Asp.net Button and the button becomes longer in width.. if we make its width small then text will be truncated (complete text will not be visible). so to do this here is solution:
Lets say you want to write following line on page in this way:
Submit here if you are an
to write text in above format in asp button write it in below format:
Submit here if you are an &#10; Engineer
so the answer is use : &#10; to new line in asp button
Labels: ASP.NET , ASP.NET Interview Questions
ASP.net button text to wrap to second line
Some times we have more matter to write on Asp.net Button and the button becomes longer in width.. if we make its width small then text will be truncated (complete text will not be visible). so to do this here is solution:
Lets say you want to write following line on page in this way:
Submit here if you are an
to write text in above format in asp button write it in below format:
Submit here if you are an &#10; Engineer
so the answer is use : &#10; to new line in asp button
Labels: ASP.NET , ASP.NET Interview Questions
Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) in SQL Server 2005
MARS is newly added future in SQL 2005. In earlier version from sql2005 user are not allowed to run more than one SQL batch on an open connection at the same time but sql2005 allows the user to run more than one SQL batch on an open connection at the same time.
private void MARS_Off()
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Server=serverName;
string sql1 = "SELECT * FROM [Person].[Address]";
string sql2 = "SELECT * FROM [Production].[TransactionHistory]";
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(sql1, conn);
SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(sql2, conn);
cmd1.CommandTimeout = 500;
cmd2.CommandTimeout = 500;
SqlDataReader dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
// do stuff with dr1 data
SqlDataReader dr2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
// do stuff with dr2 data
Labels: SQL Interview Questions , sqlserver
Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) in SQL Server 2005
MARS is newly added future in SQL 2005. In earlier version from sql2005 user are not allowed to run more than one SQL batch on an open connection at the same time but sql2005 allows the user to run more than one SQL batch on an open connection at the same time.
private void MARS_Off()
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Server=serverName;
string sql1 = "SELECT * FROM [Person].[Address]";
string sql2 = "SELECT * FROM [Production].[TransactionHistory]";
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(sql1, conn);
SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(sql2, conn);
cmd1.CommandTimeout = 500;
cmd2.CommandTimeout = 500;
SqlDataReader dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
// do stuff with dr1 data
SqlDataReader dr2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
// do stuff with dr2 data
Labels: SQL Interview Questions , sqlserver
Common Table Expressions in SQL Server (2005/2008)
Using Common Table Expressions
A common table expression (CTE) can be thought of as a temporary result set that is defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or CREATE VIEW statement. A CTE is similar to a derived table in that it is not stored as an object and lasts only for the duration of the query. Unlike a derived table, a CTE can be self-referencing and can be referenced multiple times in the same query.
A CTE can be used to:
* Create a recursive query. For more information, see Recursive Queries Using Common Table Expressions.
* Substitute for a view when the general use of a view is not required; that is, you do not have to store the definition in metadata.
* Enable grouping by a column that is derived from a scalar subselect, or a function that is either not deterministic or has external access.
* Reference the resulting table multiple times in the same statement.
Using a CTE offers the advantages of improved readability and ease in maintenance of complex queries. The query can be divided into separate, simple, logical building blocks. These simple blocks can then be used to build more complex, interim CTEs until the final result set is generated.
CTEs can be defined in user-defined routines, such as functions, stored procedures, triggers, or views.
USE AdventureWorks;
WITH Sales_CTE (SalesPersonID, NumberOfOrders, MaxDate)
SELECT SalesPersonID, COUNT(*), MAX(OrderDate)
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
GROUP BY SalesPersonID
SELECT E.EmployeeID, OS.NumberOfOrders, OS.MaxDate,
E.ManagerID, OM.NumberOfOrders, OM.MaxDate
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS E
ON E.EmployeeID = OS.SalesPersonID
ON E.ManagerID = OM.SalesPersonID
ORDER BY E.EmployeeID;
Reference :
Labels: SQL Interview Questions
Common Table Expressions in SQL Server (2005/2008)
Using Common Table Expressions
A common table expression (CTE) can be thought of as a temporary result set that is defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or CREATE VIEW statement. A CTE is similar to a derived table in that it is not stored as an object and lasts only for the duration of the query. Unlike a derived table, a CTE can be self-referencing and can be referenced multiple times in the same query.
A CTE can be used to:
* Create a recursive query. For more information, see Recursive Queries Using Common Table Expressions.
* Substitute for a view when the general use of a view is not required; that is, you do not have to store the definition in metadata.
* Enable grouping by a column that is derived from a scalar subselect, or a function that is either not deterministic or has external access.
* Reference the resulting table multiple times in the same statement.
Using a CTE offers the advantages of improved readability and ease in maintenance of complex queries. The query can be divided into separate, simple, logical building blocks. These simple blocks can then be used to build more complex, interim CTEs until the final result set is generated.
CTEs can be defined in user-defined routines, such as functions, stored procedures, triggers, or views.
USE AdventureWorks;
WITH Sales_CTE (SalesPersonID, NumberOfOrders, MaxDate)
SELECT SalesPersonID, COUNT(*), MAX(OrderDate)
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
GROUP BY SalesPersonID
SELECT E.EmployeeID, OS.NumberOfOrders, OS.MaxDate,
E.ManagerID, OM.NumberOfOrders, OM.MaxDate
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS E
ON E.EmployeeID = OS.SalesPersonID
ON E.ManagerID = OM.SalesPersonID
ORDER BY E.EmployeeID;
Reference :
Labels: SQL Interview Questions
Inline & Code Behind code in Asp.net
Inline & Codebehind Code
Inline Code is mixing client and serverside code on the same page like HTMLandJavaScript. So precompilation is no need.
CodeBehind .aspx separately only for serverside code. So it provides good performance than inline code. Why because CodeBehind needs to be compile in advance.
Article Author: Rajesh Rolen.
Labels: ASP.NET , ASP.NET Interview Questions
Inline & Code Behind code in Asp.net
Inline & Codebehind Code
Inline Code is mixing client and serverside code on the same page like HTMLandJavaScript. So precompilation is no need.
CodeBehind .aspx separately only for serverside code. So it provides good performance than inline code. Why because CodeBehind needs to be compile in advance.
Article Author: Rajesh Rolen.
Labels: ASP.NET , ASP.NET Interview Questions
Check all Checkbox of HTML Table Using JQuery
Lets we have a HTML Table and we have checkbox in every row and we have a checkbox in Table Header.. now we want that when we click on checkbox of table header then all checkbox of table should be checked/unchecked according checked state of checkbox in table header.. using JQuery
< %@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="chkall.aspx.cs" Inherits="chkall" % >
< !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" >
< html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
< head runat="server" >
< title >Untitled Page< /title >
< script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js" >< /script >
< script type="text/javascript" >
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#tableOne thead tr th:first input:checkbox").click(function() {
var checkedStatus = this.checked;
$("#tableOne tbody tr td:first-child input:checkbox").each(function() {
this.checked = checkedStatus;
< /script >
< /head >
< body >
< form id="form1" runat="server" >
< div >
< table id="tableOne" >
< thead >
< tr >
< th >< input type="checkbox" / >< /th >
< th >Name< /th >
< th >English< /th >
< th >Spanish< /th >
< th >Math< /th >
< th >History< /th >
< /tr >
< /thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Bob Smith< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< td >70< /td >
< td >75< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >George Jones< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< td >88< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Rob Johnson< /td >
< td >85< /td >
< td >95< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< td >85< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Rick Stevens< /td >
< td >60< /td >
< td >55< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Jenn Gilbert< /td >
< td >68< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< td >95< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Rachel Thompsen< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >99< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Rick Lopez< /td >
< td >85< /td >
< td >68< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >John Petersen< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< td >85< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Tad Young< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< td >50< /td >
< td >65< /td >
< td >75< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Marshall Washington< /td >
< td >85< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< /tr >
< /tbody >
< /table >
< /div >
< /form >
< /body >
< /html >
Article by: Rajesh Rolen the DotNet Developer
Check all Checkbox of HTML Table Using JQuery
Lets we have a HTML Table and we have checkbox in every row and we have a checkbox in Table Header.. now we want that when we click on checkbox of table header then all checkbox of table should be checked/unchecked according checked state of checkbox in table header.. using JQuery
< %@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="chkall.aspx.cs" Inherits="chkall" % >
< !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" >
< html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
< head runat="server" >
< title >Untitled Page< /title >
< script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js" >< /script >
< script type="text/javascript" >
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#tableOne thead tr th:first input:checkbox").click(function() {
var checkedStatus = this.checked;
$("#tableOne tbody tr td:first-child input:checkbox").each(function() {
this.checked = checkedStatus;
< /script >
< /head >
< body >
< form id="form1" runat="server" >
< div >
< table id="tableOne" >
< thead >
< tr >
< th >< input type="checkbox" / >< /th >
< th >Name< /th >
< th >English< /th >
< th >Spanish< /th >
< th >Math< /th >
< th >History< /th >
< /tr >
< /thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Bob Smith< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< td >70< /td >
< td >75< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >George Jones< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< td >88< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Rob Johnson< /td >
< td >85< /td >
< td >95< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< td >85< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Rick Stevens< /td >
< td >60< /td >
< td >55< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Jenn Gilbert< /td >
< td >68< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< td >95< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Rachel Thompsen< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >99< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Rick Lopez< /td >
< td >85< /td >
< td >68< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >John Petersen< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< td >85< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Tad Young< /td >
< td >80< /td >
< td >50< /td >
< td >65< /td >
< td >75< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >< input type="checkbox" / >< /td >
< td >Marshall Washington< /td >
< td >85< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >100< /td >
< td >90< /td >
< /tr >
< /tbody >
< /table >
< /div >
< /form >
< /body >
< /html >
Article by: Rajesh Rolen the DotNet Developer
Check / Unheck all checkboxes of HTML Table
Lets we have a HTML Table whose id=tblemail and it contain many rows and every row contains a check box.. and this HTML table contains check box in its header.. so when i click on checkbox of header then all checkboxes of rows of that table should be checked/ unchecked according to check box in header...
< table id="tblemail" border="1" style="text-align: left" width="80%" class="border" >
< tr >
< th >
Select Your choices
< /th >
< th >
< asp:CheckBox ID="cbSelectAll" runat="server" / >
< /th >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >
I want to send message
< /td >
< td >
< asp:CheckBox ID="chkmsg" runat="server" / >
< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >
i want to receive message
< /td >
< td >
< asp:CheckBox ID="chkrcvmsg" runat="server" / >
< /td >
< /tr >
< /table >
below is java script function code to check/uncheck all checkboxes of a HTML table:
< script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" >
function SelectAll(id) {
var frm = document.getElementById('tblemail').getElementsByTagName("input");
var len = frm.length;
for (i=0;i< len;i++)
if (frm[i].type == "checkbox")
frm[i].checked = document.getElementById(id).checked;
< /script >
add below line in page_load so that it will add click event to selectall check box:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If (Not IsPostBack) Then
cbSelectAll.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:SelectAll('" & cbSelectAll.ClientID & "')")
end if
end sub
Labels: ASP.NET , java script
Check / Unheck all checkboxes of HTML Table
Lets we have a HTML Table whose id=tblemail and it contain many rows and every row contains a check box.. and this HTML table contains check box in its header.. so when i click on checkbox of header then all checkboxes of rows of that table should be checked/ unchecked according to check box in header...
< table id="tblemail" border="1" style="text-align: left" width="80%" class="border" >
< tr >
< th >
Select Your choices
< /th >
< th >
< asp:CheckBox ID="cbSelectAll" runat="server" / >
< /th >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >
I want to send message
< /td >
< td >
< asp:CheckBox ID="chkmsg" runat="server" / >
< /td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td >
i want to receive message
< /td >
< td >
< asp:CheckBox ID="chkrcvmsg" runat="server" / >
< /td >
< /tr >
< /table >
below is java script function code to check/uncheck all checkboxes of a HTML table:
< script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" >
function SelectAll(id) {
var frm = document.getElementById('tblemail').getElementsByTagName("input");
var len = frm.length;
for (i=0;i< len;i++)
if (frm[i].type == "checkbox")
frm[i].checked = document.getElementById(id).checked;
< /script >
add below line in page_load so that it will add click event to selectall check box:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If (Not IsPostBack) Then
cbSelectAll.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:SelectAll('" & cbSelectAll.ClientID & "')")
end if
end sub
Labels: ASP.NET , java script
What is the difference between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect? Why would I choose one over the other?
Server.Transfer transfers page processing from one page directly to the next page without making a round-trip back to the client's browser. This provides a faster response with a little less overhead on the server. Server.Transfer does not update the clients url history list or current url. Response.Redirect is used to redirect the user's browser to another page or site. This performas a trip back to the client where the client's browser is redirected to the new page. The user's browser history list is updated to reflect the new address.
Labels: ASP.NET Interview Questions
What is the difference between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect? Why would I choose one over the other?
Server.Transfer transfers page processing from one page directly to the next page without making a round-trip back to the client's browser. This provides a faster response with a little less overhead on the server. Server.Transfer does not update the clients url history list or current url. Response.Redirect is used to redirect the user's browser to another page or site. This performas a trip back to the client where the client's browser is redirected to the new page. The user's browser history list is updated to reflect the new address.
Labels: ASP.NET Interview Questions
What methods are fired during the page load?
Init() - when the page is instantiated
Load() - when the page is loaded into server memory
PreRender() - the brief moment before the page is displayed to the user as HTML
Unload() - when page finishes loading.
Labels: ASP.NET Interview Questions
What methods are fired during the page load?
Init() - when the page is instantiated
Load() - when the page is loaded into server memory
PreRender() - the brief moment before the page is displayed to the user as HTML
Unload() - when page finishes loading.
Labels: ASP.NET Interview Questions
What is the difference between Response.Write() andResponse.Output.Write()?
Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output.
for eg:
it is very similer to console.write which we use in c#.net(console programming)
we use place holders for formated output...
Item: {0}, Cost: ${1}
",item.Description, item.Cost);Labels: ASP.NET Interview Questions
What is the difference between Response.Write() andResponse.Output.Write()?
Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output.
for eg:
it is very similer to console.write which we use in c#.net(console programming)
we use place holders for formated output...
Item: {0}, Cost: ${1}
",item.Description, item.Cost);Labels: ASP.NET Interview Questions
What is the role of inetinfo.exe, aspnet_isapi.dll andaspnet_wp.exe in the page loading process?
inetinfo.exe is the Microsoft IIS server running, handling ASP.NET requests among other things.When an ASP.NET request is received (usually a file with .aspx extension), the ISAPI filter aspnet_isapi.dll takes care of it by passing the request to the actual worker process aspnet_wp.exe.
actually mainly inetinfo.exe:
Inetinfo.exe is the ASP.Net request handler that handles the requests from the client .If it's for static resources like HTML files or image files inetinfo.exe process the request and sent to client. If the request is with extension aspx/asp, inetinfo.exe processes the request to API filter.
Labels: ASP.NET Interview Questions
What is the role of inetinfo.exe, aspnet_isapi.dll andaspnet_wp.exe in the page loading process?
inetinfo.exe is the Microsoft IIS server running, handling ASP.NET requests among other things.When an ASP.NET request is received (usually a file with .aspx extension), the ISAPI filter aspnet_isapi.dll takes care of it by passing the request to the actual worker process aspnet_wp.exe.
actually mainly inetinfo.exe:
Inetinfo.exe is the ASP.Net request handler that handles the requests from the client .If it's for static resources like HTML files or image files inetinfo.exe process the request and sent to client. If the request is with extension aspx/asp, inetinfo.exe processes the request to API filter.
Labels: ASP.NET Interview Questions
What is the maximum possible length of a query string?
Many of times this question have been asked while interview or we also should know that how much characters a query string can contain....
Although the specification of the HTTP protocol does not specify any maximum length, practical limits are imposed by web browser and server software.
Microsoft Internet Explorer (Browser)
Microsoft states that the maximum length of a URL in Internet Explorer is 2,083 characters, with no more than 2,048 characters in the path portion of the URL. In my tests, attempts to use URLs longer than this produced a clear error message in Internet Explorer.
Firefox (Browser)
After 65,536 characters, the location bar no longer displays the URL in Windows Firefox 1.5.x. However, longer URLs will work. I stopped testing after 100,000 characters.
Safari (Browser)
At least 80,000 characters will work. I stopped testing after 80,000 characters.
Opera (Browser)
At least 190,000 characters will work. I stopped testing after 190,000 characters. Opera 9 for Windows continued to display a fully editable, copyable and pasteable URL in the location bar even at 190,000 characters.
Apache (Server)
My early attempts to measure the maximum URL length in web browsers bumped into a server URL length limit of approximately 4,000 characters, after which Apache produces a "413 Entity Too Large" error. I used the current up to date Apache build found in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. The official Apache documentation only mentions an 8,192-byte limit on an individual field in a request.
Microsoft Internet Information Server (Server)
The default limit is 16,384 characters (yes, Microsoft's web server accepts longer URLs than Microsoft's web browser). This is configurable.
Perl HTTP::Daemon (Server)
Up to 8,000 bytes will work. Those constructing web application servers with Perl's HTTP::Daemon module will encounter a 16,384 byte limit on the combined size of all HTTP request headers. This does not include POST-method form data, file uploads, etc., but it does include the URL. In practice this resulted in a 413 error when a URL was significantly longer than 8,000 characters. This limitation can be easily removed. Look for all occurrences of 16x1024 in Daemon.pm and replace them with a larger value. Of course, this does increase your exposure to denial of service attacks.
Labels: ASP.NET Interview Questions
What is the maximum possible length of a query string?
Many of times this question have been asked while interview or we also should know that how much characters a query string can contain....
Although the specification of the HTTP protocol does not specify any maximum length, practical limits are imposed by web browser and server software.
Microsoft Internet Explorer (Browser)
Microsoft states that the maximum length of a URL in Internet Explorer is 2,083 characters, with no more than 2,048 characters in the path portion of the URL. In my tests, attempts to use URLs longer than this produced a clear error message in Internet Explorer.
Firefox (Browser)
After 65,536 characters, the location bar no longer displays the URL in Windows Firefox 1.5.x. However, longer URLs will work. I stopped testing after 100,000 characters.
Safari (Browser)
At least 80,000 characters will work. I stopped testing after 80,000 characters.
Opera (Browser)
At least 190,000 characters will work. I stopped testing after 190,000 characters. Opera 9 for Windows continued to display a fully editable, copyable and pasteable URL in the location bar even at 190,000 characters.
Apache (Server)
My early attempts to measure the maximum URL length in web browsers bumped into a server URL length limit of approximately 4,000 characters, after which Apache produces a "413 Entity Too Large" error. I used the current up to date Apache build found in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. The official Apache documentation only mentions an 8,192-byte limit on an individual field in a request.
Microsoft Internet Information Server (Server)
The default limit is 16,384 characters (yes, Microsoft's web server accepts longer URLs than Microsoft's web browser). This is configurable.
Perl HTTP::Daemon (Server)
Up to 8,000 bytes will work. Those constructing web application servers with Perl's HTTP::Daemon module will encounter a 16,384 byte limit on the combined size of all HTTP request headers. This does not include POST-method form data, file uploads, etc., but it does include the URL. In practice this resulted in a 413 error when a URL was significantly longer than 8,000 characters. This limitation can be easily removed. Look for all occurrences of 16x1024 in Daemon.pm and replace them with a larger value. Of course, this does increase your exposure to denial of service attacks.
Labels: ASP.NET Interview Questions
Make HTML textbox readonly
to make html textbox readonly follow below steps:
make Html textbox runat="server"
and in codding write
txtname.Disabled = True
Labels: ASP.NET
Make HTML textbox readonly
to make html textbox readonly follow below steps:
make Html textbox runat="server"
and in codding write
txtname.Disabled = True
Labels: ASP.NET
Optional Nullable Parameter introduced in VB.NET 10
In previous editions like .net framework 2.0/3.0/3.5 we were not able to create a Optional parameter as a nullable in vb.net. but now its time to get happy. you can create Nullable Optional Parameter in VB.NET 10.
Sub MyFunc(ByVal _name As String, ByVal _email As String, Optional ByVal _age As Integer? = Nothing)
your code
end sub
Benefit: The benefit of Nullable Optional Parameter is that if you want to pass value then it will take value if you will not pass value then it will take 'Nothing' in that parameter then before using that parameter you can easily check that value is Nothing or not
if _age isnot Nothing then
your code
end if
Labels: VB.NET
Optional Nullable Parameter introduced in VB.NET 10
In previous editions like .net framework 2.0/3.0/3.5 we were not able to create a Optional parameter as a nullable in vb.net. but now its time to get happy. you can create Nullable Optional Parameter in VB.NET 10.
Sub MyFunc(ByVal _name As String, ByVal _email As String, Optional ByVal _age As Integer? = Nothing)
your code
end sub
Benefit: The benefit of Nullable Optional Parameter is that if you want to pass value then it will take value if you will not pass value then it will take 'Nothing' in that parameter then before using that parameter you can easily check that value is Nothing or not
if _age isnot Nothing then
your code
end if
Labels: VB.NET
Improve Query Performance using "With" Clause
Using with clause we can improve query performance.
Read complete Article
Labels: SQL , SQL Interview Questions
Improve Query Performance using "With" Clause
Using with clause we can improve query performance.
Read complete Article
Labels: SQL , SQL Interview Questions
Open popup window using JavaScript
if we want to open a popup window using javascript we can do it by using following function:
How to use it?
if you want to open popup window using Anchor tag of Html:
< a href='javascript:showWindow('mypage.aspx"',800,600,50)' >click me< /a >
open popup window using Html Button:
< input type="button" id="btnmap" name="btnmap" value="Map" onclick ='javascript:showWindow(< %# """MapDSHotelDetail.aspx?hotelname=" &container.dataitem("hotelname")& "&cityid=" & container.dataitem("cityid") & "&countryid=" & ddlcountry.selectedvalue &"""" % >,800,600)'/ >
Labels: java script
Open popup window using JavaScript
if we want to open a popup window using javascript we can do it by using following function:
How to use it?
if you want to open popup window using Anchor tag of Html:
< a href='javascript:showWindow('mypage.aspx"',800,600,50)' >click me< /a >
open popup window using Html Button:
< input type="button" id="btnmap" name="btnmap" value="Map" onclick ='javascript:showWindow(< %# """MapDSHotelDetail.aspx?hotelname=" &container.dataitem("hotelname")& "&cityid=" & container.dataitem("cityid") & "&countryid=" & ddlcountry.selectedvalue &"""" % >,800,600)'/ >
Labels: java script
Colors in CSS
If you are not a regular regular designer or you don't remember names of different colors provided by CSS.Then this is list of all Mostly used colors of CSS:
Labels: CSS